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To whom we help with MOVE INTO LIFE?


LIKAR.INFUND Proekt  Zyty-oznachae ruhatis
What are the needs of these children? How can I help them right now?

Aim of the project “Move into Life!” – providing regular support to families, that bring up and treat babies with neurological diseases and problems of motion (mainly – child cerebral paralysis (CP)).

We know that the child with CP in most cases well yields to renewal – on up to 60-80%, and sometimes on all 100%, depending on the degree of brain defeat.

We know how to provide help with maximum effect - a kid with CP should get a systematic complex rehabilitation on a few directions to achieve maximum result – to move, to walk, to eat and serve himself, to get education etc:

-    physical rehabilitation for biomechanic correction of backbone, massage, physiotherapy, mechanotherapy, light therapy, reflex therapy, correction of joints, apiotherapy),

-    exercises on methods of Bobat, Voyt and Doman, regular swimming pool;

-    acupuncture (injections (clinic of the doctor Bersenev)

-    medicines (Cerebrolysinum, Ceraxon, amino acids….)

-    animal therapy (with dolphins and horses)

-    the practical lessons with speech therapists, psychologists

-    orthopedic operations on the method of Ulzibat (gashes on muscles)

-    mud care in children sanatoriums in Odessa, Eupatorium etc.

In the same time the child needs facilities and domestic adaptations that improve quality of his life and assist more rapid renewal, such as:

-    special push-chairs and baby walkers;

-    wall-mounted ladder;

-    special carriages;

-    special orthopedically shoes.

The cost of necessary rehabilitation of one child is about $6500 in a year. Besides, children must accept supporting and correcting medicines, that requires money also.

The Law of Ukraine provides the right of children with cerebral palsy to free medical care and rehabilitation, but in fact there is no other state help except getting the bare minimum and a 130 dollars a month pension, due to the permanent budget deficit.  There are 20 000 kids with cerebral paralyses and they all need support.

At the beginning of June 2012 the project Move into Life provided regular support to 47 children, about 14 families are in line due to the fact that we simply do not have enough budget to cover their needs. These children are waiting for your help.

How you can help to Move into Life kids with Cerebral Paralysis:

•    donate any sum for kids with CP –


•  organize collection of money donations with your colleagues or friends;

•    invite the company which you work for to support the Move into Life project and become a permanent partner;

•   “like” Move into life page on Facebook and help us promote these kids and a project.

We have so many inspiring stories about first steps of kids who received our help in the project.  We want to do our best to Move into Life kids with Cerebral Paralyses and witness more victories and first steps.

Join us!

Larisa Slyunchenko
(0038) 97 00 03 000
charity@likarinfund.org (mailing is preffered)